ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) codes were introduced in 1963. Through their character, Mr Zip, they tried to spread the word on the use of this new code that would help to ease the burden of delivering mail and create a more efficient force behind it.
With phrases like “Use ZIP code, the last word in mail” posted throughout post offices it was easy for citizens to get on the band wagon. “Use ZIP code” reminders were also printed in stamp booklets as yet another reminder.
1963 was not the first time that ZIP codes were introduced though. As early as 1943 some cities, such as Minneapolis were using codes. The addresses were written differently back then, but were sufficient for locating a specific location. In 1963, however, the USPS came out with the 5 digit ZIP code.
This new format was a more efficient and accurate way to identify an address and especially helped those sorting the mail to be able to do so much more quickly. In this new format the first three numbers indicate the sectional facility center, which is the location where the piece of mail is sorted, and then the last two numbers represent the post office.
To further help mail workers, the US Postal Service added the five plus four digit zip code. The extra 4 digits further specifies the address by narrowing the location down even further. This could be a city block, a specific high rise building, etc. These extra digits continue to help increase the speed and accuracy of mail sorting and delivery to help you get your mail sooner.
The barcode that you find printed on your envelope is called Postnet. This barcode uses varying sizes of bars to specify an address. With the use of these barcodes sorting has become more automated and doesn't require as much manual sorting to be done by hand. The sender can print the barcode themselves with a program such as Word Perfect®.
Promoting the ZIP code worked so well that children are automatically being taught their ZIP code with their whole address these days. The USPS is able to function better because these things are automatically being taught and placed on the envelopes.
Citizens can count on their mail being delivered quickly and they can most definitely count on it arriving in the correct place when they use the ZIP code. As advances are made and more organization created through programs such as the ZIP code the United States Postal Service is able to more efficiently serve the people of the United States.